First off I must say that this is an honor to be reviewing this DVD, the reason why I say this is because most companies won't give me a chance to review their movies/DVD's and for the director to give me chance to review a documentary he compiled about one of my favorite directors of all time gives me hope. Anyways on with my review! This documentary is composed of about 87 different interviews with people who worked with him and it's divided into 3 sections: Accomplices (Crew), Peers (Directors) and Victims (Actors). Each person tells their memories and experiences of Lucio Fulci and they really help show a side of Fulci most people have never seen, especially the fans of his films. The time range and length of each persons interview can be any wheres from really quick to very in depth. I must warn you though, if you plan on watching this documentary all the way through then you better clear about 4 hours of your time to enjoy this amazing look at Lucio. The only thing that I had a problem with on this DVD is the fact that the subtitles got cut in half if they were near the bottom of my screen, it could be my TV but I did fix it by switching my TV to wide screen. Overall this is an awesome documentary that truly shows you sides of Fulci that most of us would of never got to see, and I would highly recommend this to any Fulci fan! I can't wait for part 2! Oh yeah one last thing, you better go buy this DVD while you can because it is only limited to 2,500 DVDs!
Directed By: Mike Baronas
Released By: Paura Productions
Year: 2009
Genre: Horror Documentary
Website: www.paurarod.com
Limited Edition: Yes
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