Thrashaholics unite! This is the new compilation from Earache Records with some of the newest bands and an favorite in what I like to call the New Wave of Thrash Metal or in simpler terms NWOTM. I can say it is good to hear that people are still interested in playing some good old trash.This comp has tracks from Evile, Warbringer, Violator, and one of my favorites Municipal Waste to name a few. Most of the bands have the very traditional style of thrash that such bands as Exodus, Megadeth, Sepultura, and Anthrax pioneered and some even the crossover style that bands like DRI pioneered. This comp has a great collection of bands and is a must have for any old school thrash fan. Overall this is a great comp that you can throw on and drink and headbang until you puke and passout!
-Daniel Damnation
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